In a world that is increasingly binary, severed with tribalism, and divided through hate speech from all sides, who are we to be? How can we witness to another way?
We have Jesus’ life as the ultimate example. He walked the earth in a time when politically, morally, and religiously, there was a great vacuum of anything of God. He could have stepped up as the next Jewish leader to bring the Jews out of Roman oppression. However, He came to represent something that was completely other: the message of a Kingdom that is neither Jewish, Roman, nor categorized in any way. His disciples slowly grasped this great vision and passed it on to their own followers.
There was a time in the early church, and later during the Reformation of the 1500s, where the church saw itself as a completely other entity from the political world they lived in. They saw themselves as having a completely different cause and purpose on the earth: to represent something that was of God and not of a particular political persuasion. This week we all took time to read Jeff’s article The Politics of Neither and met to reflect on and discuss what it means to follow God and His way:
* It’s important to recognize that we all have the default perspective that we are right, we are on the good side, be it politically, socially, or religiously. We need to zoom out and recognize that none of us have a monopoly on the spirit, and no one group of people has God on their side. Rather, we have to get on God’s side.
* It’s more important than ever to engage in open conversation with people. It takes a long time and a lot of relationship to bring people into a broader perspective.
* Some interpret “The Politics of Neither” to promote a “neutral” position. Nothing can be further from the truth. Rather than proclaim one set of ideas superior to another, we want to be a people who propose a much better and more impactful solution to the chaos and sin that this world finds itself in.
* Everyone, including the crowds who stormed the Capital building on Wednesday, is doing the best they can. While we may strongly disagree with their actions, we have to recognize that if we believe we have the only perspective on any issue, we are contributing to the problem of separation.
* It’s crucial to recognize the interdependence of humanity. A lot of the political chaos right now is being caused by parties coming at each other with a win/lose mindset. If we truly understood our interconnectedness, we could no longer see another’s loss as our win.
* We need to reframe the whole us vs. them separatist mentality. The reality is that we are all one human family, and in calling out different individuals and parties and holding them at arms’ length, we’re arguing with that reality. we can practice this by reframing our speech, so that instead of saying “they” we say “us” here are some examples:
Some of US rioted in Washington today.
Some of US knelt in prayer.
Some of US were outraged.
Some of US wept.
ALL of US are frightened.
Some of US believe what CNN tells us.
Some of US believe what Fox news tells us.
Some of US believe what QANON tells us.
All of US need to know what is True.
All of US are human beings.
All of us are sacred.
All of US belong to one another.
All of US are worthy of love and respect.
Some of US--a very few--refuse to see people as either us or them.
If we are to heal and move forward, there must only be US.
* It's a failure of God's people not to represent how we can be part of a kingdom that is not of this world, that there is actually fulfillment and purpose and meaning in being a part of Jesus kingdom
* Being followers of God, we could be likened to infinite players in an infinite game. As soon as we step into finite games, we’re diminishing our role as infinite players. In other words, we’re shrinking God’s Kingdom down into a worldly perspective, when it is actually so much bigger and more beautiful than these competing worldviews and paradigms.
* It’s important to reflect and remember how Jesus was when He walked the earth. He entered a world full of slavery and oppression, yet His words recorded in the Gospels portray his message which was so much broader and deeper than particular scenarios.
* we've talked about this third alternative to believe and have hope that that there is another way where two sides can sit together and find a creative way instead of somebody always having to win or lose. Once you pull yourself out of that binary mindset, the whole world looks different!
* Everyone is a child of God, and it so important to examine the lenses we view people through. In order to heal separation and find a way of love, we need to discard the layers of categorization, labelling, and assumptions that inhibit us from seeing what is of God in each person.