Week 1: Introduction and The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7
Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount contains the essence of His Gospel and the foundation to true Life in the Kingdom of God. We will use as a guide to our weekly discussions one of the top three most important writings of Eberhard Arnold, beginner of the Bruderhof Movement. But don’t think he wrote this to be embedded just in his community. The book is a compilation of his published articles, talks, and lectures from the years 1915-1935. It embodies Arnold’s relentless search for a new and revolutionary way to practically live out the Way of Jesus for everyone. The book is called Salt and Light. (https://www.plough.com/en/topics/faith/bible-studies/salt-and-light) We will meet once per week and discuss multiple chapters at a time, probably involving eight meetings.
Our plan is to begin at 7:15pm Monday evenings and end around 8:30pm. We will keep our discussion to the practical ramifications of following Jesus and avoid intricate and mostly meaningless conversations about Greek word use, theological debates, and questions of authenticity. Instead, we will ask the difficult questions of how we can respond to Jesus’ challenge.
Please reach out if you would like to join (see ‘Get in touch’ button below). Copies are available upon request.