“We seek not to imitate the masters,
rather we seek what they sought.”
― Matsuo Basho, Japanese poet
Recent Blogs
The following summaries give you a glimpse of some our collective writings, thoughts and inspirational quotes we find impactful.
Another life is possible for everyone…

About us
In 2018 we began a new effort in Minneapolis with the hope to connect with many people who are seeking an authentic way to follow Jesus through a Life Together. Since then, we continue to meet with many who are looking for a genuine response to live out what they read in the scriptures. We are currently five people sharing a rented home, working in the city, and sharing our lives together. We are a people who believe it is possible to experience, in our daily lives, the Way of God as Jesus taught. We believe in complete forgiveness, in an end to fear and hate, in purity of heart and soul, and in the power of God to transform our minds out of the ruts and rubble that have distorted our view of everything. We believe that God wants to gather and put an end to separation from Him, from each other, and from the earth. We know and have been touched by His Life that makes all things new and cries out that everyone belongs to God. We know that this new Way is available to anyone who holds nothing back from His Love and His Truth.
Our house is located in south Minneapolis. The Twin City area includes a great diversity of people including over a million first and second generation immigrants from many countries. The great need to demonstrate Love for all people, with all people, and, most importantly, sourced in God is crucial for us. We have space to gather in our house, or backyard and a number of local parks that provide the welcome which we extend to everyone, no matter their background or beliefs. Our model begins with the First Church after Jesus was resurrected and seeks to express that Way of Life in a modern day urban setting where neighbors share and support each other in a practical and committed manner with intentionality, honesty, and simplicity.
Connecting with others
A number of our new friends join us for a gathering every Sunday, which is always filled with meaningful fellowship and a chance to discuss topics that are central to the heart of God. We also offer book studies, workshops, and discussion groups during weekday evenings, and we enjoy meeting people in coffee shops or parks. Anyone is welcome to join us anytime for a cup of coffee, dinner, a campfire, games, and more. We welcome everyone and know that God has a purpose and meaning for all people.
We seek friends and neighbors who believe in the value of heart-to-heart sharing and listening. The fragmentation of our society can be healed through mutual respect and understanding which allows something deep within each of us to completely change. Over time, we believe that trust between people opens the door for Love to be shared. We live to extend genuine Love and point to a Way where vulnerability and openness on all sides is the only authentic response.
We know that God wants to gather many people here in Minneapolis, so that His Love can become visible and relevant to all. We long for fellow seekers, hoping and trusting that our witness to this Life is only the beginning of what God wants to do in this city through many of you.
Find out about our mission.